World Oceans Day: a day to celebrate our oceans 

Oceans Day was first declared on 8 June 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro to celebrate our shared ocean and our personal connection to the sea, as well as to raise awareness about its crucial role to our life. The UN World Oceans Day 2023 theme is Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing. This year celebration is focused to discover how Earth is more than it may seem and generate a new wave of excitement towards cherishing and protecting the ocean and the entirety of our blue planet. Read more about Ocean Day activities at 

As we celebrate World Oceans Day, it is important to acknowledge the people who contribute to our success in oceanography. At MetOcean Solutions, our team is comprised of skilled oceanographers, atmospheric scientists, experienced mariners, and technical experts who share a passion for the ocean, science, and finding practical solutions to real-world challenges on behalf of our clients, partners, and communities. 

Our team is dedicated to expanding our understanding and providing tailored solutions crafted by our skilled scientists to support marine operations. Our extensive knowledge, practical experience, and deep connection with the ocean inspire us to create ground-breaking, cutting-edge services, products, and scientific research. Driven by our passion, our exceptional blend of technical expertise and scientific knowledge enables us to pioneer, challenge the status quo, and exceed expectations in our goal to bring relevant marine weather information to people. 

As a nation surrounded by the ocean, we are always striving to enhance our models and technology to maximize performance and support the wellbeing and safety of New Zealanders. Our marine recreational forecast website – SwellMap leverages the outcomes of research, like the Moana Project,  and commercial projects. One example is the technology used to display data in the form of data tiles, using MetOcean's Tiles API. These tiles allow you to click anywhere in the world, over both land and ocean and get the latest forecast guidance for that specific spot – allowing the user to get the forecast guidance for exactly where they want, not where they are told they can have. 

The Tiles API transforms complex weather data into tiled data formats which can be easily consumed through our easy-to-use API. This product is ready for commercialisation and enables you to quickly and easily integrate our weather data into your own applications. By removing the complexity of managing and rendering large weather datasets, we leave you free to focus on building beautiful and interactive applications which have weather-based functionality. 

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Meet us at the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference 2023 


Over two million data points every day