OceanPrediction survey for final users 

OceanPredict is a science programme for the coordination and improvement of global and regional ocean analysis and forecasting systems. We would like to support their initiative to learn more about user satisfaction and share their survey invitation:

OceanPrediction is assessing how the ocean forecasting services (or the products derived from these) are serving society. If you are a user of one of these services (directly or via an added-value downstream product), we would be very interested in knowing your opinion and ideas through the following survey. If you are a developer, please distribute this information between your users! 

Completing the questions will take less than 10 minutes, so please do it now so we can gather your opinion. 

We will complement your view with the one provided by the professionals developing the services, and this will help us in the gap detection analysis and in the creation of plans for the future of ocean forecasting. 

The survey will be closed on May 1st.

For any questions, please send us an email at oceanprediction@mercator-ocean.fr 

Thank you in advance for your contribution.

The OceanPrediction team 


A 3,000-year wave height event during Cyclone Gabrielle 


Fishing for data: commercial fishers help monitor rising temperatures in coastal seas